Monday, December 31, 2007

Getting Ready for the New Year

2007 has seen a lot of changes at Refugee Women's Network. Among the most visible is our revamped website, at

We finally have a staff person dedicated to working on it so it will become updated more often and be more user-friendly. We also had the great fortune of having some professional MBA students from Georgia State University conduct a communications audit of RWN and we have begun to implement some of them.

One thing I will try to do is to update this blog more often. Every week, we have success stories that warrant a mention.

For example, Kumari, one of our microenterprise clients is getting ready to open her own hair salon. As the store front is being readied, she's working at another salon, which is looking for a hair braider. Anna, another microenterprise client, her business is African hair braiding, and she's looking for a shop to work with. The RWN staff were able to connect them for a win-win situation for everyone.

2008 promises to be as busy and successful as 2007. And this blog can be a quick and easy way for everyone to know what's going on at Refugee Women's Network.

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